Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Still found time for safety work

Somehow, during all that, I found a way to keep doing the safety work. So much so, that I got an award, and not just any award...

During the original market crash years ago, we planned to sell the building in which I was sitting, so they moved everyone down to empty space in the fab support building at the fab site. (Every fab manufacturing plant has an office building next to it where the planners, buyers, and other fab support folks sit.) Then, a couple years, later, they built another fab on the site, but this time without a fab support building. So, they booted everyone that didn't support the fab (that includes us) back to the office campus.

Right after we got moved (spring 2007), they ran the yearly evacuation drill. Having been on the evac team previously, I helped, and then subsequently joined the evac team. About the same time, our group within IT needed a safety rep; my manager and I agreed I could do it.
Fast forward spring 2008, and the guy running the safety team (of which I'm a member) goes on his sabbatical. My manager agreed again I could step up to the job, I covered for him, and got to co-chair the team when he returned.

The safety team has done some amazing things on the safety front, including creating a new, high-level recognition award specifically for safety, given only once per quarter per continent (Asia, Europe, and North America). The premier award in the North America--me!

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About Me

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Martin works as an Application Developer and Technical Lead at a large manufacturing company in the Phoenix valley. In that role, he writes and maintains a quality application that checks the quality of the materials used in the manufacturing process. He has a variety of programming skills in various web, batch processing, and database languages. He has been developing computer applications professionally at five companies since graduating with his Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems from DeVry in 1985. He has additional professional interests. He participates in a variety of safety teams as an office ergonomics assessor, emergency response team leader, and safety communications. He also teaches classes about agile thinking and database unit testing. Outside of work, he occasionally teaches and performs as a middle eastern drummer, lift weights, and spends time with his wife and two daughters. He's an avid supporter of the U.S. Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment, a National Rifle Association (NRA) life member, certified NRA instructor for five NRA classes, shooting range life member, Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) member and volunteer, and runs 2nd Amendment Shop, L.L.C.