Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Some exciting things going on at work

One of the applications I support has eight servers: one SQL server and one web server for each of the four different environments: development, consolidated test, production, and disaster recovery. The current environment is very expensive to operate, much like a tenant in an office suite--the suite has forty or more offices, the lights and air conditioning need to be run for all of them, but there only a couple of suites occupied.

In the new environment, the applications I support will be located on servers that also host many other applications. The system will be substantially less expensive than the current model, and the performance (when viewed from the customer perspective) should be the same (or perhaps better).

It's not so straightforward, though. There's a challenge (isn't there always!?). And I have a unique opportunity to help solve that challenge!

You see, every letter of every word is stored in the computer as a number. Different languages use different kinds of letters (Spanish, French, and German each have their own kinds of specialized letters); and there is a case sensitivity setting about how to compare words (is "hello" the same as "Hello" the same as "HELLO", or are they all the same). Based on the language and case sensitivity setting, we have to convert everything that is a word, in every application, to a common setting.

My opportunity--I have a complete grasp of how to crank out a program to do that, not just for my three applications, but in addition for all the applications on which the whole server team will be working! I get to design and crank out some SQL programming code!

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About Me

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Martin works as an Application Developer and Technical Lead at a large manufacturing company in the Phoenix valley. In that role, he writes and maintains a quality application that checks the quality of the materials used in the manufacturing process. He has a variety of programming skills in various web, batch processing, and database languages. He has been developing computer applications professionally at five companies since graduating with his Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems from DeVry in 1985. He has additional professional interests. He participates in a variety of safety teams as an office ergonomics assessor, emergency response team leader, and safety communications. He also teaches classes about agile thinking and database unit testing. Outside of work, he occasionally teaches and performs as a middle eastern drummer, lift weights, and spends time with his wife and two daughters. He's an avid supporter of the U.S. Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment, a National Rifle Association (NRA) life member, certified NRA instructor for five NRA classes, shooting range life member, Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) member and volunteer, and runs 2nd Amendment Shop, L.L.C.