Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My second sabbatical ran from the end of September through beginning of December 2009, during which my then-fiancé and I prepared for and had our wedding, went on our honeymoon in Hawai`i, and recovered from all the wedding preparation.

We got married on Halloween, and the entire wedding--ceremony and reception--were themed, so there was a huge amount of preparation. The theme was "an enchanted fairy woodland, inspired by Shakespeare's 'A Mid-Summer Night's Dream'", so everything was 16th century Italian. Sabrina and the bridesmaids all had fairy wings, and the groomsmen and I all were dressed in 16th century Italian formal wear (doublets).

  • I enjoyed the first week being out and about in the beautiful weather, finding the fabric for Sabrina's dress, and helping Leslie get some of the dress cut out. I wasn't allowed to see the full pattern, so I just worked on the skirt.

  • The next four weeks I drafted the patterns for the doublets and pants for me and the groomsmen, and made all those outfits plus one more fighting doublet.

  • After the wedding and before we left for the honeymoon, I competed in a yearly rapier tournament and came close to winning it.

  • We spent more than a week as our honeymoon enjoying Hawai`i:
  • The project work for the wedding outfits left our house, well, substantially less than clean and organized. The last part of sabbatical was a lot of recovery from all the fabric work.

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About Me

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Martin works as an Application Developer and Technical Lead at a large manufacturing company in the Phoenix valley. In that role, he writes and maintains a quality application that checks the quality of the materials used in the manufacturing process. He has a variety of programming skills in various web, batch processing, and database languages. He has been developing computer applications professionally at five companies since graduating with his Bachelor's in Computer Information Systems from DeVry in 1985. He has additional professional interests. He participates in a variety of safety teams as an office ergonomics assessor, emergency response team leader, and safety communications. He also teaches classes about agile thinking and database unit testing. Outside of work, he occasionally teaches and performs as a middle eastern drummer, lift weights, and spends time with his wife and two daughters. He's an avid supporter of the U.S. Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment, a National Rifle Association (NRA) life member, certified NRA instructor for five NRA classes, shooting range life member, Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) member and volunteer, and runs 2nd Amendment Shop, L.L.C.